But still want MORE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In reality, we have to be travelling soon, you would think! And so far I have all the shoes packed that you wonderful friends have donated. Thanks so much. I think the tally is around 400+ shoes to get donated when we go to Ethiopia. 400!!!! That's crazy. We will encounter a bit in extra baggage charges, but that doesn't matter ONE BIT!!!! I am so jacked up about the fact that 400+ people will get a new pair of shoes.
But my peeps, I still can pack more!!!! Some of you have asked in the last while if we are still collecting shoes. Well the answer is YES! We will take as many as we can. We have one offer of a couple that will take an extra bag when they go, and already sent one off to Nev's crib mate's mom, who is going to take that hockey bag with them. So if you are at a Dollar store and see a good deal, or anywhere else, and feel that you want to still donate, I will take em!!! They will all get to someone who needs shoes over in Ethiopia......
But don't wait too long....maybe we are travelling soon?????