Well well well. A few stragglers are still around! I have missed connecting with you guys. Man-whats new you ask? Let me do a quick run down.
Nev just had her 3rd birthday! She is so caught up in every aspect its crazy. She is a busy, busy toddler who is overall happy and pretty easy going. She has turned a corner in her wanting to please us in everything she does. Which in bonding and progression in HER life is good. Ever since we brought her home she had an unusal need to please us. Wanting our approval and wanted us to say good girl for everything. Even if she had hurt herself, or was sick, she would say I'm sorry, Im a good girl. If I said "no-dont touch that", she STILL will not touch that item, even if I said it a year ago. If I said, "ok, Nevaeh time to close your eyes", she'd do it and go to sleep. Things like that. Well now she is starting to be a bit defiant. And that is a good thing! Starting to feel like she doesn't have to please us so much. And its like she feel like she can push the boundaries a little bit now. So for her=good. And for us=good, but man as much as I knew it wasn't healthy, it was incredibly easy ;) I believe we are parasite free, AND potty trained!!! Can I get a HOLLA!!! Well not night time trained all the time....but day time trained! Whoop whoop.
Jayden is 8.5 years old and hockey is her favorite thing to do! She is in grade 3 and loves to read, and is a good big sis. She and Nev have their quarrels, but I think that is normal. And when I say she loves hockey, she LOVES her hockey. She will PVR NHL games and rewatch them. Saturday am she watches them. Not cartoons. PVR'd hockey games. She also is learning the recorder in school. She is doing really well. She can also play hot cross buns, and Mary had a little Lamb thru her nose!!!! We were watching how to play Mary had a little lamb on Youtube, and she saw it, and has now mastered it!! Crazy gal!
As for Adam and I we are doing great. Farming, and actually just came in from pulling a baby calf at 1030pm on a Saturday night! Fun times. We went to Mazatlan with the girls in January and it was great. I went to Las Vegas with 2 gal pals in March and we had a hoot. It was a good recharge. I do believe it has become an annual thing we will keep up.
And myself. Im doing pretty good. The year was intense in some ways, and glad its over. Bonding is the pits sometimes. Sometimes its great. Sometimes it wasn't so great. I think thats why I fell off the band wagon blogging. I was just getting thru some days. But im feeling back to myself and the bonding is going better too.
Whats up with you guys. Referrals, gotcha days, other exciting things?
I can't say I will be a faithful blogger, but will try to check in a bit.
Oh and maybe next time some pics!!! Just don't have any on this computer right now.