Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Losing my fingernails

Okay. So I have a "free day" at home today. No working, just a lot of stuff I want to get done. Packing, baking, etc. But I keep checking back to all my friends pages, to see if any referrals have come in, and I'm not getting any of my work done!!! I"m not nervous and thinking that we will be getting a referral, but I am truly excited and anxious for my friends who have been waiting so long. They are so ready and so deserving of getting their babies. The waiting game is nothing that you can explain to someone who hasn't gone thru it. They are real troupers...and it's thier time.

So come on CAFAC, let's get these ladies some babies!!! Or any other agency for that matter. Cause lets be honest, the more that get referrals this time.....the closer we are!



Ranavan said...

Hey, where did you get the photo of you have a secret camera in my office :)

I got your phone message...I will call you back.

Natalie and Chris said...

I completely agree with you. Here's hoping our rants will help get all of you some referrals.

Ramona said...

Keep on calling for those referrals... we're waiting out here in Manitoba to see what happens this round. So far, we've been disappointed for one dear family already and trying not to hope for our own...

Rachel said...

It's true! Every time I hear about someone getting a referral I get so excited. During this long process, it's nice to be reminded that the system is working and our time will come.

darci said...

argh, I've 'only' been waiting nine months..that seems long already. i'd better get ahold of my self. Here's hoping you and your friends all here something soon!

Sharla said...

I have been checking the message board so much the past few days that I am starting to feel like a stalker but I am just so excited to celebrate the referrals of others since mine is still a ways away.

Chad, Laura, Sara and Seth said...

You said it - let the referral come...pleeeeeease.


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